Page name: Wolfs United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-19 10:32:36
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Yudan333
# of watchers: 26
D20: 1
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Welcome to Wolfs United!


Here is mostly a place to hang out as a wolf. (naturally) Anyways all are welcome to join, what's more interesting is that I added a twist! ^^ Each wolf has ONE magical power, it is your choice to choose what power but it can only be ONE. And it can be anything! ^^ Except to destroy everything with one blow T_T...

Ok so now that that's covered let's talk a bit about the Wolfs. There are some already made just need you to put your name up for them! ^^ If not you can make your own, try to find a picture that fits you character. We all wanna know what you look like! XD I think that's it If I missed something then I'll get it later! ^^

(These are the links to this one! ^^)

Character Info@Wolfs United
Adoptables@Wolfs United
Banners@Wolfs United
Village@Wolfs United
Training@Wolfs United
Winter Grounds@Wolfs United
Dens@Wolfs United
Pup Den
Hunter Wolfs
Wolf Soldiers
Mating@Wolfs United
Lab@Wolfs United
Crystal Valley@Wolfs United

(This is where you sign up for a position!)
Alpha Male: [Yudan333]- Darsha
Alpha Female: [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Mianah
CO-Alpha Female: [Yudan333]- Yudan

1.[GlassCasket]- Cliff
3.[Cerulean Sins]- Holtz

Soldier Wolfs:
1.[Itami Cross]- Trowa
2.[Raiyr]- Red
3.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Gar'Mak

1.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Sena
2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Metallicus
3.[Yudan333] - Nozomi, Jenet

1.[Yudan333]- Crush
2.[The Bat-Man]- Mangetsu

1.[Yudan333]- Marlean, Jenet, Starbeam
2.[Cerulean Sins]- Blayne

Ok now your asking, 0_0 Wait what about Beta and Omega? Well the thing is this pack works differently. You see the Alpha Male believes that if there is only Alpha and Pack as Ranks then their will be no stragglers in the pack, making a stronger more healthy pack. So now every member of the pack is allowed to be caretakers of the pups! ^^

1. Keep cursing to a minimum, we don't want to hear 'Fuck' ever other sentence...
2. No graphic mating...T_T HERE BUT go to mating den lol or your den!
3. Power-playing to a minimum...(thrusting back and making blood.... T.T no KILLING...)
4. Don't insult...T_T it's rude...if you do you face my Wrath -_-' You don't want to see my wrath!

Rp usual info:
[used to represent g2g or an out of character message]
used for action
"Speaking is normal..."
~what your thinking individually~ or '' instead of ~~


If you really need me contact me here:
or on yahoo messenger

To East Pack >>> Eastern Pack

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: "I am not going anywhere." She took the pupi and brought him into the pond.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: he looked back and then turned back steady steady steady FIRE *a blaze of gunfire erupts towards blitz

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: Katira put the pup in the water and swam with him. She checked on Blitz to make sure he was okay.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz stood his ground rounds going through him but he still fired

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: Katira tok the pup over by rush and kept him there. Safe. Blitz had some explaining to do.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: the bullets stopped coming and blitz was out of ammo yet he stood there squeezing the trigger tight

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: She just waited and watched.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: soon blitzes muscles relacts and he fell back losing blood big time

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: Katira got out of the pond running to get some leaves to stop the bleeding. She picked him up and carried him back to the pack and told Yudan to watch him. She went back to the pond and the pup and Crush. She got into the water and sighed.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz woke up about 2-3 days later wondering where his gun was AND HIS CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: (9It hasnt been 2 or 3 days yet so you are going to have to wait.))

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: (eeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ok ) currently incapacitated

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: Lol. Katira watched the pup but didn't say anything. She really did want her privacy but...oh well. Blitz needed help and she was all for helping people...well...wolves.

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: ((O.O I"M LOST!)))

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: (9You are still in the pond, and Yudan is taking care of Blitz...he was shot up...I am about ready to drop his pup off to Yudan too.)) Katira floated over to the pup and picked him up bringing himto Yudan. She smiled at her and walked back to the Pond and got back in. was an active day today. She swam over to him and dunked him under th water.

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked around then to the pup and Blitz, she blinks as if clueless what to do. She was trying to talk to Mono but he had disappeared. She sighs lighty.    Crush burst up quickly and goes back to waist deep water, he was gasping. He held his chest, his eyes almost filled with fear.

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: She swam over and apologized. "Whats the matter? I'm sorry...I didn't know I couldn't do that...are you okay?" She put a hand on his shoulder expecting him to flinch away after what she did...and hoped he didn't.

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: He felt hergently and and relaxed, sighing deeply, "No it's alright you didn't know... Its just that.. I cant swim and i was drowned in training... it was a test... i nearly died and all the men did was laugh at me... same as a wolf.. i cant swim my body sings like a rock..."

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: She wrapped her arms around him...another instinct and hugged him.

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: He ran his hand over her lower back gently, "I would have told you sooner.. but i didn't think it would matter..."

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: She apologized profusely and swam deeper into the water. "I am going to go get some fish for some dinner. I will be right back. "

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: He nods to her and goes up a bit more and sits down, his knees poped up from the water and his lower waist submerged.

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: She came up with a fish in her mouth and one in each hand. She same over and put the on the shore next to him. "They good enough?"

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: He nods lightly and took one, "It's fine...I'm not really used to eating so..." He kinda looked at it.

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: She went to go get some firewoods and some roasting sticks. "Come on we will cook them." She sat down crossed legged and started to make the fire.

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: He nods and got up from the water, his bare body glistening in the light. He came over and sat across from her and watched her start the fire. He saw the embers and he seemed to be remembering something because he spaced out.

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: She waved a hand in front of his face. 'hello...are you going to take your fish and fry it or not?"

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: He shook his head, "Yea sorry..." He put it over the flame.

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: 'What were you thinking about?" She smiled looking at her fish frying.

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: He looked at the embers, "Just the past..."

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: "What about?" She looked at him. She had to admit that he was gorgous naked.

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: He looked up at her, "I'd rather not speak of it if you do not mind..."

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: "Alright." She looked back at her fish and when it was well done she started eating it.

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Crush pulls his fish back and pulls the head gently and twists it then rips it out. The full skeleton was gone and the meat was in his hands, he ate it and sighs in relief.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz opens his eyes/ / blitzs nose starts to bleed and his reflexs made him pull out a gun and fire three shots into a bush

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan nuzzles Blitz she was wrapped around him and had healed all his wounds, "Glad to see you are alright..."

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: She smiled at him and looked up. It was late afternoon. "So what do you want to do today>"

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Crush looked to her and thinks, "Well... i dont know honest to tell you..."

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: i cant stay here i have to go / blitz grabs his S.T.A.R.S. tactical vest and puts it on theres a t virus outbreak nearbye i can sense it

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: 'She smiled and layed back stuffed. She looked at the sky and then closed her eyes. She let the sun dry her skin. 'Come lay with me." She should never have said that.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz walks past the pond rifle in hand he reloads another clip and starts to run towards the old chopper reck to find a radio for extraction

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: while blitz was walking to the chopper a zombie jumps at him so he jumps back and shoots it in the head with his rifle

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz became more alert so he pulled out two pistols and put his rifle on his back "let the bodies hit the floor let the bodys hit the floor etc"/ 3 other zombies jumped out so blitz took the pistols and fired and took em down easy

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: Katira convered her ears. He couldn't take that somewhere's else? Oh well. She grabbed Crush's arm and lead him away from the scene.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz ran out of ammo and changed clips realy cool

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: ((ummm im no ware near you the only thing you hear is the gunshots thats it))

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Crush held her gently and did lay by her, he wasn't at all shy about being bare before her. He trusted her so he was relaxed.

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: Katira lead crush to a quiet place far away from the city, and the pond. No noise could be herad and hopefully they wouldn't be found.

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: He looked to her and watched her eyes and facial expressions. Wondering what she was up to.

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: She sat down and pulled him down with her. She lid her head in his lap and just looked up at him. "Why do you like me?"

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: He looked at her and shudders a bit, she was close to his croth and he hadn't quite put his clothes back on. "Well.... everything... Your beautiful... but i am mostly interested in your being... your soul personality...who you are."

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: "Why me though? There are plenty of other women out there..."

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz woke up from a bad dream ((ok people this is going to get complicated))

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: yudan are you ok

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked at him, "Hmm? What?" She looked up and around. "I'm fine why?"        Crush smiles a bit, "None as amazing as you...."

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: nothing just a memory of the darkest day in my life I can never forget *blitz snuggles with yudan* i feel alot better thank you

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: "How so?" She moved over and laid her head on his chest and placed her hand over his heart.

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She nods, "It's nothing really... Just doing what i can to help..." She smiles and nuzzles his ear.       Crush looked to her and looked down, "I figure i could have any woman... they all seem to like me... but i have never met a woman that i had been attached to like you.... if i had to kill you i couldnt... and i wont..."

2006-02-04 [eyes of frost]: [I have to go sorry!] She smiled and looked at him and kissed his chest for no reason.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz smiling and blushing a little licks her face "no it isnt nothing if you didnt help i would of died and your one of the most gentle wolves ive met and i realy like that in the back of his mind hes saying i like you but hes holding it back

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan smiles and nods gently, "Your welcome... and its no problem... i you even need help just ask..."      Crush looked to her and blinks a bit, he put a hand over her back and rubs gently.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz takes out his dog tags a little piece of metal with your identity on it/ blitz put it around her neck/ I want you to have this / blitz gives her a friendly kiss on the cheek

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan blinks a bit as if shy, "But... what for?" She looked at them. She nuzzled one of her paws a bit.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: a token of friendship, it has saved my but alot of times, blitz puts his head on top of her and cuddles her gently

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She smiles a bit, "Anything for a dear friend." She wags her tail a bit. Darsha had been watching quietly, he sighs lightly, he had claimed Yudan as his own but it seemed she may find someone better.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz took a deep breathe and let it out slowly to speed up his heart rate,you look tired lets just take a nap *yawns loudly*

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She smiles a bit and lays down and put her head over her paws, she felt the tags gingle a bit and smiles.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz looked at yudan and smiled then fell asleep

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She flicks an ear and looked to Darsha and spoke to him mentaly. He looked over to her flicking a ear, 'what?' She sighs, 'You know what... It's Blitz... he seems like he likes me all of the sudden...'

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz was thinking when he was asleep / blitzs mind: no ones ever been nice enough to heal me before the only thing they used to do was leave me bleeding in the mudd

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked at her deeply, 'If you love him then choose him... It's not my choice... i do love you but i'm not going to force you to love me...' She looked at him long and hard then to Blitz.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: thats why i woke up i remembered just laying there in a crater full of mudd gasping for air all of my friends just standing there watching the mudd laidened with the thick taste of my blood it was sick

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She sighs lightly and curls up with Blitz to keep him warm.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz heard them and felt bad so he woke up and silently snuck away ans sat down overlooking the pond thinking

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan saw him slunk away and felt a bit bad and slowly went to follow.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz tilted his head down sad T.T

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She sadly sat beside him, "Blitz... I'm sorry... are you ok..."

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: i just want to be alone/ a tear ran down his cheek

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Her ears lowered sadly, she slowly slunk away. She felt horrible. She didn't know Blitz could use telepathy... She lay down feeling horrable

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz sat there his head down crying he felt so bad he could kill himself without one regret

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan slid off his dog tags and looked at them carefully. She though hard then looked to Darsha and back to the tags, 'Blitz....'

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz stopped crying and he turned his head and looked at yudan/ you could have told me that he was your mate

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She licks the tags as if it were Blitz himself. [sorry g2g ><]

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz gets up and walks to yudan and hugs her / you could have told me / blitz lets go of her and sits down a good 3-4 feet away from her

2006-02-04 [Princess Mononoke]: (Someone please summarize. I really dont want to read 6 pages.)

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: ((well blitz got shot up again so yudan healed him he came concsious and saw yudan nuzzling him hes never seen some one do that so he started to flirt with her they went to sleep while he slept yudan and darsha were talking to eachother mentally blitz heard them so now hes sad))

2006-02-04 [Princess Mononoke]: Mono came back to the group. San watched him wearily. Tantsia was off sleeping in a corner curled up next to Zemon.

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked to Blitz, "I was trying to... But i was afraid to..." She sighs and looked at his dog tags sadly. She was lost, she loved darsha but blitz was so kind to her. She lowers her ears feeling like a jerk.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz didnt want to be around anyone so he got up and walked towards a mountain in the distance for exile

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked to Blitz and stood up on her paws, "Blitz please! Don't leave..." She seemed to beg. She held his dogtags gently in her fangs

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz turned around why not you got darsha i dont need anyone ill just fade away forever

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She looked to him deeply and walks to his side, "I don't want you to fade away forever... it's wrong..." She looked down. "Darsha is my own blood... it may be gods will to bind us but... i still think it wrong... I will always have darsha.. but i will never have you agin if you leave..." She was practically telling him she cared.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz closed his eyes oh ive heard that before many times every time they said that my heart got broken

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She nuzzles hisleg gently, "please dont leave me... I... i need you..." She felt her heart skip. She had never felt this deep for a wolf.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz licked her face ok i wont leave

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She nuzzles him gently, she was in relief she could get him to stay, but was it good enough.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz nuzzled with her vibrating to get them warm

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She looked to him gently, "Your wounds dont hurt... do they..." She had made sure to heal them fully but she didn't know if he felt any pain.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: im a little sore i think one of em opened up because my neck feels wet

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She nods and put her muzzle to his neck gently, she did feel it was wet, she licks it gently then nuzzled it as it heals. The wound closing and the fur returning not even a scar would remain.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: thank you no ones done that for me but do you like me

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan blushed lightly at the question. her heart raced a bit, she shook a bit then looked to him and nods.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz smiled and kissed her *blitz whispers " Ive liked you since the day i layed eyes on you"*

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She blushed lightly and lowers her ears, she licks his cheek gently to show her affection.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz blushed to and cuddled her tightly

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan smiles a bit and curls next to him, she licks his muzzle.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: he smiled and touched her nose with his "why were you mating with your own blood"

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She looked at him, "I havn't.... and I wasn't... It's just... no one loved me like he did... he was the only one who cared so deeply for me... no one else... i trusted him with my life... so i let him have me..." She seemed to sigh lightly.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: i dint mean anything by it it just seems so strange but i shouldnt worry about it or did you have pups

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked down sadly, "I... I cant have pups..." She lowers her ears sadly.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: I can help that

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She sadly looked to him, "You don't understand... I can't..." She looked away feeling vunerable.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: why not

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She slowly turns her back to him and looked down, "Man... they had kept me for so long... they took away my ability to have pups..."

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: yea they can also give it back thats what im trying to say

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She looked to him and flicks her ears, "But I don't want to get involved with man again..." She shuddered at the though.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: you dont have to i got a pill that does it all in my medpack

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She looked to him, he made it seem so simple. She slowly nods and then licks his muzzle as if thankful.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: ok blitz gets up and pulls what looks like aspirin out of a pack with a red cross onit "ok when you take these take it with water oh and you will feel just a little pain if it hurts more than a little im here to comfort you"

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan took the shape of her human body, her skin was bare but she didn't mind much, she looked to him gently, her eyes a deep silver, "Got a water bottle..."

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: yep *throws her a canteen* *he then turn human and sits next to her*

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She caught it and took the small pill she looked at it then put it in her mouth and chugged some water. She set the canteen aside and waited. She winced as it started to hurt right away. She pulled her knees to her chest and winced. Her hair fell over her bare shoulders.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz put his arms around her its better to scream if it hurts bad it makes it feel better

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She winced, she didnt want to scream but the pain was unbearable. she opens her mouth and let out a loud shreik. Birds in the trees ran away. Darsha 20 miles off heard it and flicks an ear worried.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz found a needle of pain sedative "hear this will stop that pain"

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She seemed to calm down a bit then she closed her eyes and curls into his arms feeling light headed. Her bare skin shuddered.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: oh your cold hold on *blitz takes off his camouflage bdu and puts it on her* the high sensation will leave in a couple seconds *blitz kissed yudan assuring her everythings gonna be alright*

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She smiles gently and curls in his coat and his arms. "Thank you"

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz smirks and holds her close "anything for you"

2006-02-04 [Yudan333]: She looked up at him gently with her silver eyes, "..." She smiles and kisses his lips.

2006-02-04 [DELTA 1]: blitz blushes then his eyes turn metallic blue

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She leans into his arms, she wasn't cold as long as she was close to his warm body. Hers was bare but she didn't care. She kisses him gently, putting her arms around his neck.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitzs eyes went from blue to ruby red "i love you"

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles gently and relaxed her head on his shoulder, "And I love you..."

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz tried to make his eyes blue but he couldnt he was to passionit for yudan he couldnt help it

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She relaxed in his arms, covered by his coat. She had her hands curled up on his chest.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz picked yudan up and carried her towards some hotsprings "hey lets go for a dip" *blitz lays her down and takes off his shirt

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles and relaxed in the boiling water. She lays her head back and closed her eyes.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz sits next to her "man this feels great"

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles and nods, "Yea... it's nice..." She looked over to him and smiles gently.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz lays his head on top of hers rubbing her back

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles gently and put a hand over his strong chest feeling it a bit.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz smiled rubbing her back soothingly eyes still ruby red "yudan do you know why my eyes are red"

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She looked at them deeply and shook her head, "No... please tell me..." She leans close to him, her skin touching his.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: "when ever they are this red im in love and theyll stay this way for a while hopefully forever"

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles and kisses his lips gently, "I will make them stay red till the day i die..."

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz's eyes grew even brighter colors of red hoping shed notice them

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles seeing th colors change, She leans up and kisses his lips gently.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz started to blush but his eyes kept getting brighter and brighter in color they were almost pink

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She moved and sat in his lap, she leans her bare body against him and she french kissed him gently, closing her eyes.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz's eyes grew big and his eye color was bright pink kissing her back intimately "y-yudan wow"

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She gently stops and looked at him deeply her silver eyes looked deep into his pink ones.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz didnt notice but his hands were in the wrong place "uhh sorry and whats wrong"

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles, "Nothing... just admiring you..." She took his hands and put them around her, she smiles she didn't care she trusted him.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz was blushing like crazy with a fiery passion for yudan burning in his eyes "yudan"

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She looked at him, "Yes Blitz?" She put her arms on his shoulders.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: "i see you you naughty lil girl" blitz pulls her close and rubs her where ever his hands were ????

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She giggles and pulls his hands from her ass, "Now now behave..." She smiles and laughs gently.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz smirked "oh but its hard your to beautiful to resist"

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles and laughs gently, "If you love me you will resist... not like i dig into your crotch" She laughs.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz gasped "tooshay still im on to you" he said pulling her closer

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles and leans her bare chest against his, "Good... wouldn't want it any other way."

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz's eyes were a mix of colors now like a firey orange and pink "do you want to have pups now that everythings all fixed" he said rubbing her stomach

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles and blushed, "I don't think I'm ready..." She looked at him and blushed.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: "your old enugh but i think you must still be sore from the pill, hurt didnt it" he said kissing her

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles and nods, "Yea... besides I'm rather tired..."

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: ok ill stay here you go get some rest my love" he said helping her out of the spring

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: She smiles and stood up streching her bare body. She walks over to a tree and took her wolf shape and lays down and almost instantly fell asleep.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz saw her bare body and eyed her a little bit but soon got out layed next to yudan and fell asleep with her

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: Darsha came by hours later and watched the two then sighs lightly and walks to the pond and took a drink.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz wasnt fully asleep so he got up and walked up to him "hey"

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked to him and nods, he continued to drink.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz cracked his neck and stretched "where did your sister learn her healing powers"

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: He looked to him and clears his throat, "she wasn't taught it... she learned it herself..."

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: "well she has an angels touch" blitz looks back at yudan sleeping and couldnt help but smile

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: Darsha nods, "She is part angel you know... it's in her blood..."

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: "blitz smiles "im a warrior angel i fight in the name of god notice the streaks on my back" he shows him

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: Darsha just nods, "Makes sense you two would fall in love... both light and under gods influence..."

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: yes thats the truth

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: Darsha rolled his shoulders back and looked to him, "Watch her carefully... i trust you can save her when in danger..."

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: i will and can

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: Darsha nods to him and looked over to Yudan who layed on her back pawing at the air, most likely dreaming.

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked at Crush and smiled. 'Thank you for the offer." She cuddled closer to him even though she really shouldn't have.

2006-02-05 [Clive Scorch]: Felil snorted and limped away in anger. He found a nice clearing in the trees and lifted his head up into the air letting loose a loud sorrowful howl. The trees around him seemed to grow saddened, and while he howled it almost seemed as if you could see through his entire being and out the other side as if he were fading away with the breath in the air.

2006-02-05 [Yudan333]: Crush gently held her and ran his hands through her hair. Yudan approached Felil.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: blitz walked up to felil "whats wrong"

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Katira heard Felil and she got up. Something was wrong with him. She told Crush she would be right back and ran in his direction.

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: ((hey lets rp on The West River))

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: (9Where is that?))

2006-02-05 [DELTA 1]: ((thats on The Wolf Pack))

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: (anything interesting happen here?)

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: ((You mean other then everyone asking Felil what's up...nothing much. Lol.))

2006-02-05 [Clive Scorch]: Felil turned his head towards all of them, his eyes seem to almost fade out of existance for a moment, and his wounds have grown progressivly worse in just a matter of hours. "It is my problem," he answered with a slight snarl, " So I will deal with it." He limped away further into the woods to find a darkened place.

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Katira followed him and asked him again what the matter was. She turned into her wolf form to better help him along.

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia saw this new male as a potential mate, not a stranger. He was dark... She liked. though when she seen him, she said nothing.

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: Zemon woke up and stretched. He looked at Tantsia and walked off. Mono watched this pup. San watched Felil.

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked back at San for anything...any feelings or looks San could give her as to what was going on.

2006-02-05 [Clive Scorch]: "Leave me be shape-changer, I haven't the will to listen to your fruitless que-", His words fell short as he slipped off a rock falling some distance before dashing into the ground. Without a yelp he rose to his three feet and limped on.

2006-02-05 [Princess Mononoke]: San froze with pain when she sensed this new wolf. She shook it off, she stayed up in the trees and followed.

2006-02-05 [eyes of frost]: Katira followed him and stepped right in front of him. "What the hell is the matter with you huh?" She head butted him so he fell over.

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